
We believe in a future built upon trade that is sustainable for the environment and the community.





Man staring at horizon





As one of the world's largest credit insurers, we play an influential role in global trade. This entails an ongoing commitment to innovate and support the most sustainable ways of doing business now and in the future. We aim to make sustainability central to our vision by anchoring it into our purpose of managing risk and enabling trade.

ESG Governance

We have a specified ESG Committee chaired by our CFO Claus Gramlich-Eicher. This Committee structures our various ESG initiatives. It consists of members of our leadership representing our business areas and group functions. In addition we have a dedicated Head of ESG to promote, drive, and coordinate our ESG initiatives globally and to oversee the operational management of sustainability initiatives across our various international businesses. In May 2024 we added a specific ESG reporting function.

Atradius’ sustainability initiatives and reporting are aligned with our parent company GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente). The GCO Sustainability Master Plan 2024-2026 and the GCO 2023 sustainability report are included in the related documents section at the bottom of this page.

Our Sustainability Master Plan 2024-2026

In 2023, together with our parent company (GCO) we carried out a Double Materiality Analysis to identify the most relevant aspects to be addressed in our strategy.

We are building our Sustainability Master Plan on four pillars and ten strategic lines:



Sustainability Master Plan 2024-2026




Each pillar holds a set of actions in line with the GCO Sustainability Master Plan 2024-2026. Starting in 2024, over the next three years we will work on the following steps:

Good Governance

We aim to strengthen our ESG governance and deploy the ESG principles to our value chain by:

  • establishing ongoing sustainability training for our senior management to equip them with the knowledge to make strategic decisions and lead the company’s sustainability efforts
  • linking a percentage of the variable remuneration of senior management to the achievement of the Sustainability Master Plan to align strategic decisions with sustainable growth
  • increasing the percentage of women in our Management Board to promote diversity and reflect a broader range of perspectives in decision-making
  • developing a due diligence system for our value chain to mitigate potential ESG risks

Sustainable Business

We aim to integrate sustainability in the development of our products and services by:

  • incorporating sustainability criteria in our underwriting policy
  • promoting sustainable solutions to our customers
  • aligning our investment policy to the sustainability principles established by our parent company GCO

Social Commitment

We will focus on people, talent and contribution to society by:

  • promoting diversity and equality by increasing the presence of women in middle and senior management and reducing the pay gap for all levels of the organisation
  • promoting new ways of working to attract and retain talent
  • developing new initiatives to promote healthy habits and disseminate our social benefits to the employees
  • increasing our social contribution to local communities

Environmental Responsibility

We will work towards our carbon neutrality objective by:

  • defining progressive, science-based decarbonization goals for our commercial underwriting portfolio to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
  • increasing the use of renewable energy in our main offices to 50% to minimize the impact of our facilities

We will track and report on our progress.

Our sustainability alliances

We support the ten principles of United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour conditions, the environment and anti-corruption and report on this via our parent company GCO.

As part of GCO, Atradius is also a signatory to the UNEP-FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance and UNPRI Principles for Responsible Investment.

Our sustainability ratings

In May 2023, EcoVadis awarded Atradius a bronze medal in recognition of our sustainability achievements that place us among the top 50 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis.

Atradius’ ESG Credit Impact Score from Moody’s is neutral-to-low (CIS-2). This reflects the limited credit impact of Environmental and Social risks on our financial strength rating (‘A1’ outlook stable).

The sustainability rating of GCO is available through the GCO website.



Inne treści / informacje

Annual Reports

The Annual Report is a complete overview of the performance of Atradius N.V. in a year. It includes performance and strategy, full year accounts and additional financial information.

Wyłączenie odpowiedzialności

Wszelkie publikacje dostępne na naszych stronach internetowych lub za ich pośrednictwem, takie jak raporty, artykuły, publikacje, wskazówki i pomocne treści, briefy handlowe, infografiki, filmy (każde z osobna zwane "Publikacją"), są udostępniane jedynie w celach informacyjnych i nie mogą stanowić dla czytelnika jakichkolwiek rekomendacji lub zaleceń dotyczących określonych transakcji, inwestycji lub strategii. W odniesieniu do dostarczonych informacji czytelnicy muszą podejmować własne niezależne decyzje biznesowe. Mimo że dołożyliśmy wszelkich starań, aby informacje zawarte w każdej Publikacji pochodziły z wiarygodnych źródeł, Atradius nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek błędy, omyłki, jak również za rezultaty wykorzystania tych informacji. Wszelkie informacje zawarte w Publikacjach są dostarczane "tak jak są", bez gwarancji ich kompletności, dokładności, aktualności oraz skutków ich użycia. Atradius nie udziela w tym zakresie żadnych gwarancji wyraźnych ani dorozumianych. W żadnym wypadku spółka Atradius, oraz powiązane z nią spółki lub korporacje, partnerzy, agenci lub pracownicy nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności wobec czytelnika lub innych osób z tytułu jakiejkolwiek decyzji lub działania podjętego na podstawie informacji zawartych w Publikacji, za utratę potencjalnych korzyści, utratę zysku, jak również za szkody w produkcji, szkody w prowadzonej działalności, a także za jakiekolwiek pośrednie, szczególne lub uboczne straty, nawet w przypadku uprzedniego powiadomienia o możliwości ich wystąpienia.