Customer Service Charter

The Atradius Customer Service Charter is our promise to you. It demonstrates our commitment to providing your business with high quality of communication and service, support and advice.

We are dedicated to providing you with the very highest levels of service in all that we do. This is our service commitment. It infuses every aspect of our business; from our ethos, to the training of our people and the development of our relationship with you.

Making communication easy

Our dedicated account management and customer service teams are trained to respond to your queries and requests promptly and efficiently. Where possible, we provide you with a dedicated point of contact and clear contact details.

We keep an eye on things, regularly evaluating our communications to make sure we maintain our high standards. In addition to issues concerning your account with us, we’d be grateful if you could also provide feedback on your thoughts and experiences to these teams. It is through responding to feedback that we are able to make improvements, so we value any insight you could share with us.










Customer Service Charter










Simplifying policy administration

We provide guidance and support on everything from policy administration to accessing and using our online systems, such as Atradius Atrium and Atradius Insights.

We work hard to keep your policy administration obligations to a minimum and, when the time comes for renewal, we make sure this process is clear and that the documentation is issued to you in good time.

Any invoice we send you will clearly state what is due to be paid, for what service, and by when.

Working closely with you on credit limits

We are committed to providing you with timely credit limit decisions and make sure we keep you informed during the process.

Our decisions are not taken in isolation from you. Where possible, we work with you to obtain additional information about your buyers and take into account your trading relationship with them. In addition, where appropriate, we will share with you the credit rating for your insured buyers to support your credit management processes and procedures.

Where it is necessary to reduce or remove a credit limit, we endeavor to provide you with an appropriate period of notice to provide you with sufficient time to make alternative trading arrangements (save for exceptional circumstances).

We try never to make promises we can’t deliver and our transparent appeal process is designed to help you should you want us to re-consider a decision.

Providing an efficient claims, collections and recoveries service

We provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to submit a claim, including how to inform us about overdue invoices.
We work closely with you throughout the claims and collections process, providing up-to-date information about your case, agreeing the collections approach with you and remitting funds as soon as possible.

If it is not possible to pay a claim, or pay it in full, you will be given a clear explanation and the right to appeal.

Building a relationship with you

We believe we can provide you with the highest quality support when we understand your business, including your strategy and your market. Our highly trained people are specialists in their fields and yours, supported by a program of continuous professional development.

Contacting us

If you have an issue you’d like to discuss with us, please get in contact with your own dedicated account manager. Alternatively you can contact our head office at:

David Ricardostraat 1
1066 JS Amsterdam
Tel.: +31 20 553 3355

Or find contact details for all offices here.

Wyłączenie odpowiedzialności

Wszelkie publikacje dostępne na naszych stronach internetowych lub za ich pośrednictwem, takie jak raporty, artykuły, publikacje, wskazówki i pomocne treści, briefy handlowe, infografiki, filmy (każde z osobna zwane "Publikacją"), są udostępniane jedynie w celach informacyjnych i nie mogą stanowić dla czytelnika jakichkolwiek rekomendacji lub zaleceń dotyczących określonych transakcji, inwestycji lub strategii. W odniesieniu do dostarczonych informacji czytelnicy muszą podejmować własne niezależne decyzje biznesowe. Mimo że dołożyliśmy wszelkich starań, aby informacje zawarte w każdej Publikacji pochodziły z wiarygodnych źródeł, Atradius nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek błędy, omyłki, jak również za rezultaty wykorzystania tych informacji. Wszelkie informacje zawarte w Publikacjach są dostarczane "tak jak są", bez gwarancji ich kompletności, dokładności, aktualności oraz skutków ich użycia. Atradius nie udziela w tym zakresie żadnych gwarancji wyraźnych ani dorozumianych. W żadnym wypadku spółka Atradius, oraz powiązane z nią spółki lub korporacje, partnerzy, agenci lub pracownicy nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności wobec czytelnika lub innych osób z tytułu jakiejkolwiek decyzji lub działania podjętego na podstawie informacji zawartych w Publikacji, za utratę potencjalnych korzyści, utratę zysku, jak również za szkody w produkcji, szkody w prowadzonej działalności, a także za jakiekolwiek pośrednie, szczególne lub uboczne straty, nawet w przypadku uprzedniego powiadomienia o możliwości ich wystąpienia.